
Daisy Exclusive

Sterling Silver Salt Cellar and Spoon Set: Georg Jensen Cactus Pattern C.1945-1951


Daisy Exclusive

Sterling Silver Salt Cellar and Spoon Set: Georg Jensen Cactus Pattern C.1945-1951


Cactus pattern bowl and spoon salt cellar set, cobalt blue enamel on  inside of bowl.  Design #30 by Gundorph Albetrus, Art deco motif - 1945-1951.

ID#: STER106

Metal: Sterling silver

Material: Cobalt blue enamel 

Bowl Dimensions: diam.: 1 1/2", height: 5/8" height.

Spoon length: 2 1/8", width: 5/8".

Bowl Weight: 26.3g.

Spoon Weight: 5.5g.

Total Weight: 63.4g

Bowl Markings: 'GA', '925.S', 'DENMARK', 'STERLING', 'GJ','30'

Spoon Markings: 'GJ', 'Sterling', 'DENMARK'